From the age of ten, Jonathan Mordechai, a young boy from Israel, dreamt of traveling the world in search of rare gems. Tel Aviv, being one of the diamond manufacturing capitals, motivated him even more. With the luck of a few connections, he became a bourse member. In 1989, Jonathan founded ADA Gems Corp., a diamond manufacturing company based out of New York with an office in Tel Aviv, Israel. His eldest son, Eddie, had a passion of joining and expanding his father s business. Right after he finished high school, he was honored to join the now, family, business. With the help of Eddie, they expanded their business, supplying the USA s top jewelers with their diamonds. At the age of 13, his youngest son, Elior, had the idea of servicing their clients with finished jewelry, simplifying the process for them, and branding it as Mordechai Collection . His second son, Daniel, with a bachelors in pre law and communication, joined the business as well. Daniel came with the knowledge of advertisement, introducing the idea of trade shows. Using Eliors idea and his knowledge of advertisement, he introduced Mordechai Collection to trade shows. Now, he manages all of the trade shows worldwide. Today, all three sons play a different role in running their family business, providing the best quality and service worldwide. Mordechai Collection is now a high quality jewelry brand. As a family, they understand what it means to be loyal, and the importance of customer service.